« High quality, custom made joinery manufactured in our own factory »


Our certifications and labels guarantee the excellent sealing performances of our products (resistance to air, water and wind) complying with new energy saving standards and qualifying for a tax credit.

Logo PEFC The Label PEFC (Pan European Forest)
Certificat FSC Ets ROCHETTE  
Certificat PEFC Ets ROCHETTE  
Certificats PEFC bois MAURIS
Marquage CE CE Marking
Certificat marquage CE
Label AEV The Label AEV
Performances AEV porte-fenêtre 68mm
Performances AEV baie coulissante 68mm
Marquage CEKAL CEKAL Marking
Cekal Soverglass
Certificat ACERMI
Responsabilité Civile Insurances
Attestation responsabilité civile                       – Attestation décennale
Performance Isolation Thermique Thermal Insulation Performance
– Performances thermiques menuiseries 68mm
Performances thermiques menuiseries 78mm
Performances thermiques menuiseries 88mm
Conseils de pose Joinery installation and adjustment advice
Conseils de pose